Finally! Found the Perfect Chair for the Workout Diva
Update: I procured the perfect chair for the workout diva!
Wouldn’t you think that finding a perfect chair for a workout room would be a simple task? Ha! It consumed a surprising amount of time, especially because I was working within the confines of 1) a budget and 2) supply chain issues. I searched online at Wayfair, and at brick-and-mortar stores, and even high-end consignment stores. However, my luck was just bad. Everything reasonably priced was either the wrong style, out of stock indefinitely, or simply UGLY.
Two months elapsed, and I felt extremely frustrated. It was such a simple task, but I was failing miserably!
Then I found it: The Perfect Chair!
I found the perfect chair at Home Goods, a store that I frequent for accessories. Many times, I searched the store for chairs, but couldn’t find anything suitable for a modern workout room. However, my luck changed a couple of days ago.
I happened to be near my local Home Goods store, when it occurred to me that I should stop by. I had just finished with a dental appointment and was happy to have zero cavities, go me! Anyway, I walked right up to the chair, sat in it, and said to myself, this just might work! Then I left without buying it, one of the cardinal sins of shopping at discount retailers.
All afternoon, I fretted that the chair would be gone by the next day. After my daughter’s gymnastics lesson, I convinced her to stop at Home Goods with me to check out the chair. Luckily, my daughter agreed, and gave me the thumbs-up on the purchase. Just like me, she exhibits great taste in decor!
How did the perfect chair look?
I love how well the chair fits the workout room space! The chair’s dark wood frame holds a fabric sling, which supports the upholstered pillows. Fortunately, the chair is classified as indoor-outdoor and has easy-to-clean fabric, very important for a workout room. Also, the dark gray upholstery, perfectly complements the black, white and gray workout room.
I enjoyed the challenge of finding a perfect chair, but I feel so relieved to check that project off of my list!
Hillary McAlhany is the owner of Gate City Design in Greensboro, North Carolina.