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Miami’s Funky Style: Colorful, Crazy & Inspiring

Last week, I took a trip to Miami

Miami from the road
On the way into Miami

For years, I have loved the unique style of Miami. There is a blend of vintage style, tropical colors, Spanish influences, and modern architecture, with opulent detailing. Is it too much to say that there isn’t another place like Miami on earth?

My trip provided me with the chance to relax, of course, but I appreciated the style that was evident all around me. I stayed in an Airbnb property downtown, with an unbelievable view of the downtown area, Key Biscayne, Fisher Island, South Beach, and Biscayne Bay. The property outperformed my expectations and provided a comfortable home base during the trip.

View from the airbnb living room
What is it about palm trees…
Nighttime view from our room
Miami downtown

Miami’s funky fusion style

I appreciated the beauty and fusion of influences as I ran one morning. Bright colors flanked the side of buildings, adding splashes of unexpected color among the downtown towers. Tropical landscaping accented residential complexes, celebrating the climate. What is it like, living in a place that feels like vacation every day? (I should know; I lived in Charleston for four years. It just didn’t look like this.)

Bold bright buildings
Miami garden

A hotel in Miami Beach, where I ate lunch one day, displayed noteworthy luxury. The lounge area couches were decorated with multiple animal prints, accented with gold fixtures. I would not have been surprised to see the Real Housewives come in for a cocktail.

Over the top decor!

Even the bathrooms boasted over-the-top luxury. Marble covered every surface, from floor to the walls. Every fixture was gold. The luxury level exceeded what would normally be expected for a bathroom.

High luxury level for a bathroom
Outdoor eating area

South Beach Art Deco

Of course, I must give a shout-out to the preservation of Art-Deco buildings along Miami Beach and South Beach. The buildings, along with their vintage signage, are a throwback to an earlier decade, where people behaved elegantly. Preservation and restoration efforts have maintained many of these older structures in their original condition.

image credit: visitflorida.com

Miami’s energy and moxie inspired me from a design perspective. I enjoy exploring the fusion of different styles, and Miami does it effortlessly and unapologetically. Although I do not use many bright colors in my own home designs, I admired the strategic addition of bright colors for visual interest. In the future, I will consider integrating this eye-catching influence into future room designs. 

Metallic accents in the building carport

Thank you, Miami, for showing me your unique perspective!

Hillary McAlhany

Hillary McAlhany is the owner of Gate City Design in Greensboro, North Carolina. She is a certified professional home stager, redesigner, E-designer, and Certified Color Expert®.

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